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List of Works



Coddiwomple for classical guitar  (2019)

Kapicitta for piano  (2018)

Dreamscape for prepared piano  (2017)

Handful of Fingerbells for hang drum  (2017)

Marbles for marbles and glassware  (2015)

Quarters for piano  (2015)

The Hummingbird for flute  (2014)

Butterfly for piano  (2013)



Ozymandias for soprano and piano  (2015)



Raincoast Sketches - for flute, clarinet, violin, cello, piano and percussion (2019)

And For No Reason - for flute, clarinet and santur (2019)

Ilinx for string chamber ensemble

Movement : a 1970's Social Oddyssey  (2018)

Music of the Spheres for marbles, glassware and 10 percussionists

Music of the Spheres for marbles, glassware and 4 percussionists

The City Awakens for clarinet, vibraphone and marimba

Pelog Diffusion for bass clarinet, cello and piano

Wander: an Adventure for trombone, trumpet, violin, cello, contrabass, piano

Escapada for trombone, trumpet, violin, cello, contrabass, piano



7/8 Revolution for solo vocalist and orchestra  (2014/15)



Game of Thrones for Orchestra  (2014/15)

The Rains of Castamere for Vocal Trio and Orchestra  (2014/15)



In My Heart  - short film - scored for chamber ensemble (2018)



Syzygy for electronics and wood panel resonators (2018)

© 2023  Mariah Mennie 

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